Thursday, February 25, 2010

Save Often!

In my "day" job, I am a Course Designer for Pikes Peak Community College. One of my duties is running another blog to support faculty. I thought today's post fit here as well.

Save Often! PPCC Desire2Learn:
As I go through my day with D2L, I find myself saying several phrases over and over again. The most common right now is “Save Often”. D2L has a wonderful way of showing your changes before you click on the Save feature. That way if you don’t want to keep your changes, you simply go some place else or hit cancel. The problem is, often we get going too fast and make changes we never save. So, slow down and hit that save button.

This is also something we need to be reminding our students. Just yesterday, I heard a horror story from an instructor. She had set her quiz to ‘auto-submit’ if the time had expired. Sounds reasonable enough. However, the student had gone through the entire quiz without saving a single question when time ran out. You guessed it. The student lost everything.

Save yourself from agony later. Take the extra second and hit 'Save'.

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