Monday, April 5, 2010

Helping a Shy Student

After 10 weeks of the term, I have finally found out why one of my students isn't posting in class discussions; he's shy.  I know it sounds strange, but I have to admit, it makes sense.  This student has turned in every assignment, done well with the exams, but he won't post in the discussion area.  So, when he opened up to me in a journal assignment, it made sense.

The problem I'm grappling with is how do I move forward with him.  I can just imagine this student in the classroom who says nothing during class, but studies, does his assignments and gets an A.  (This is a Networking class, not speech.)  He doesn't miss a class and stays after when he has questions.  Online communication is important, especially in Networking, but am I asking too much to have him posting weekly?

For the time being, I've asked him to post late in the week.  That way, he doesn't have to worry about replies from others.  If this doesn't work, I was thinking of having him agree to write me his posts and offer to post them for him after he emails them.  I'm not asking for complex posts here, but rather just opinions about current events in Networking.

I'm just at a loss.  Does anyone else have any ideas?

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