Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Considering the M*A*S*H fan I am, I had to name the last post what I did.  In reality, I'd like to think it isn't really good-bye as much as it is 'see you later'.  I guess that's more of a B.J. approach than a Hawkeye one, but I digress.

There are a few things I want to wrap-up before I go:

  • First, the CNG 101 transition is going well.  I've reorganized the assessments and discussions and I hope it makes for a better experience for both my students and me.  
  • My opinion to resolving the issue of the great tech divide is to meet on common ground.  As boring as it may be, that means running the majority of your class in D2L and only occasionally going outside.  This will give the low tech student the time to adapt to one thing while learning the material while still making sure the high tech student remains engaged.  Just my 2 cents.
  • No, my shy student never really engaged me or the discussions in any meaningful way.  It's one of the disappointments for me this semester, but I don't know what else I could have done.  He did pass the class though.
  • I haven't really gone back to Second Life.  Yes, it pops up now and again as something to look at, but I just can't see how to put it into my course.  No, more honestly, I can't see any reason I want it in my class.  I'm pleased others are using it, but it's not going in my tool bucket...yet.
  • I do need to add more synchronous activities in my class.   I think I just need to commit to the IM/Chat more.
So, that's about it.  If you want to find me, my email address is and my other blogs are and  (Sorry, but I think I'm the only one not on Twitter.)  You can also find me in the CCCOnline Community shell.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 15: You Aren't Done Yet!

I know how we as instructors get at the end of semesters.  We have a tendency to focus on the "to-do" list and getting all of the grading done and scores in the gradebook.  Shoot, many of us are already making changes for next semester.  Please don't forget though, there are real students with real stress in this last week of this semester.

Make sure you post a closing News item with your contact information and keep checking your class(es) through the last day.  Students will be asking last minute questions and expecting faster than normal answers.  If you can give that to them, it may well be the difference in how they finish the course (and possibly if they take one next semester).

Don't be afraid to give students bad news if they've earned it, but try to do so with a calming tone.  For example, "I'm sorry, but I can't reopen Exam 1.  It just wouldn't be fair to the students who completed the work on time." is very different from "Exam 1 was due February 3rd.  I do not give extensions."  It might not seem like much, but a calm voice in this stressful week may be the difference in avoiding much bigger issues later.

Lastly, thank your students.  They have spent real money to take our classes.  We get to take part of that home in a paycheck.  The least we can do is say 'Thank You'.